T in the Park
This happened a couple of days ago, but I've only had time to post it now...
I was at T in the Park, in the tent I actually stayed in (though it was a bit darker), in the same place and facing the same way. I can't remember much but I can remember Orlaith and Makosi from 'Big Brother' were staying with me. They were putting on their make-up in my tent and Orlaith got her hat out: I was gutted because it was the same one I had! That meant I couldn't wear it.
I think that's about all I can remember.
On the same night I dreamt I bumped into my friend, Ads, who I hadn't seen for ages. I saw him in this pub - he was sat down, I was stood up. I shouted across to him, and he looked back and said, "Isabel!" He put his arms out for a hug. I gladly obliged but said, "I'm not Isabel, I'm Katie". He looked really embarrassed and said, "Oh sorry, I was getting you confused with my cousin!" I have no idea if Ads even has a cousin. I somehow ended up going on a coach journey with him but I don't know where to...
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